General Conditions

The present General Conditions of Purchase and the Privacy Policy regulate the use of the website, property of María Martín Hernández, craftswoman of the community of Madrid, in compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce:

Anacarado Complementos Artesanales.
María Martín Hernández N.I.F.- 09334441Y.
Fiscal address: C/ San Venancio 33. Madrid (Spain).

The use on the part of the client of the services of the store of Internet of Anacarado Complementos Artesanales presupposes, in any case, the adhesion to the General Conditions of Purchase in the version published by Anacarado Complementos Artesanales at the same moment of the order of purchase.

We make every effort to offer the information contained on the website in a truthful and without typographical errors. In the event that at some point there is any error of this kind, at all times outside the will of Anacarado Complementos Artesanales, we will proceed immediately to correct it. If there is a typographical error in any of the prices shown and a customer has made a purchase decision based on that error, we will communicate to the customer that error and the customer is entitled to terminate your purchase at no cost on your part.

Scope of the contract

The present General Conditions of Purchase are applied to the sale of all the articles of Anacarado Complementos Artesanales through its page Web, to consumers to whom orders can be given to them in Spain and European Union. Anacarado reserves the right to cancel a user's access account if fraudulent, speculative or bad faith acts are detected in the use of this service.


The applicable prices are those indicated on the website on the date of the order. The prices are detailed in each article and include the V.A.T. (Value Added Tax). The amount of the shipping costs is indicated to the customer in a detailed way at the time of the order. Anacarado reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without previous warning, the modifications that consider opportune, being able to update, even daily, articles and prices according to the new features that are appearing. In the case of shipments to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, the customer must pay the corresponding customs charges, which will vary depending on the weight of the shipment.


All purchases can be paid either by bank transfer, or by VISA, MASTERCARD or MAESTRO (only Spain) bank card activated for secure commerce. In any case, the choice of payment method is made during the purchase process on the corresponding screen.


The delivery will be made to the address indicated by the client, which may be different from his or her usual residence, and may be sent to his or her place of work or even to a third party to whom he or she wishes to make a gift. In any of the cases, the identification of the buyer or the person to whom the article is addressed will be required, by means of an official document that identifies him/her and the signature of the delivery note. The delivery period set out on the page will be merely indicative. Nevertheless, Anacarado will make an effort to respect this term, not being responsible in case of exceeding the initially estimated term.

The parties will not be held responsible if the non-fulfilment of the company-client contract is due to force majeure. In this case, the obligation will be delayed until the end of said force majeure.


The deadline for return is 48 hours after receiving your order. This period is due to the special characteristics of our product, in order to avoid the return of used products.

Therefore, we ask the user to check the content of the shipment upon receipt, and to inform us immediately of any incident detected in it.

You must inform us of your intention to return the product by writing to our e-mail address, indicating the order reference and the reason for the return, or by contacting us by telephone.

As soon as we receive the communication, we will inform you of the appropriate instructions so that you can proceed to send the returned complement.

Very important: the product must be returned unused, in the same condition in which it was sent, in its original packaging and with its corresponding labels.

Once we receive the returned item and we verify that its condition is correct, we will proceed to perform the action corresponding to the reason for the return, such as replacement by another item of the same characteristics or refund of the money corresponding to the account indicated by bank transfer.

Depending on the reason for the return, shipping and handling costs for the returned product may be charged to the customer. In no case, if it is by our mistake or by negligence of the carrier, the customer will be charged with shipping and handling costs.

Intellectual Property

The complements, texts, images, logos, source code, etc. are property of Anacarado Complementos Artesaneles, and in such sense they are erected like works protected by the legislation of intellectual and industrial property in force.

Any transmission, distribution, reproduction or storage, total or partial, of the contents stored in this web, is expressly prohibited unless previous or express consent of the holder. However, users may carry out the reproduction or storage of the contents for their exclusive personal use, and the reproduction of the contents of this website, carried out for profit or commercial purposes, is expressly and strictly forbidden.
Protection of Personal Data

Anacarado Complementos Artesanales is fully aware of the use and treatment that should be given to personal data and under the existing legal regulations in this regard, has implemented within its organization a system to preserve the security, integrity and confidentiality of data considered as personal.

To this end, in addition to fully complying with each and every one of the requirements set forth in Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, it guarantees not only a legal but also a fair use of personal data, as well as an appropriate system for exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition set forth in the aforementioned Organic Law.

The Personal Data collected will be subject to automated treatment and incorporated into an automated file of Anacarado Complementos Artesanales, with the sole purpose of managing the orders placed by the customer.

The Users have recognized and will be able to exercise the rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition, of their data included in the File, in conformity with the established in the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13 or by means of written request directed to Anacarado Complementos Artesanales, in the form and conditions anticipated in the mentioned regulation, or communicating it to our email address in the form and conditions anticipated in the mentioned regulation, or through the own web, by means of the User and Password provided at the moment of its registry.

Use of the COOKIE technology

In order to speed up the service offered, identifying as quickly as possible to each user, Anacarado Complementos Artesanales may use cookies. The "cookies" are codes that the server introduces in the hard disk of the computer to identify the User. The "cookies" are associated solely with an anonymous User, not allowing to accede to data of personal character nor, in general, to data of the hard disk of the User. If the User does not wish a cookie to be installed on his/her hard disk, he/she must configure his/her browser not to receive them.

The client declares to have read, understood and accepted these General Conditions in their entirety.